Basic Configuration

One of nvim's strengths is that it's highly configurable, you can customize everything.
Setup your editor in a way that'll be nice for you to look at and it won't be filled with useless buttons/stuff.

I recommend to create your own configuration but it takes time and effort.
We will talk about the advantages at the advanced configuration chapter but I recommend to use preconfigured configuration for now, unless you are a config nerd like me.

Terminal Emulator Setup

nvim can be run with a GUI frontend or how it was intended to, in a terminal emulator.
I recommend to use one of the modern cross-platform terminal emulators:

  • Alacritty - recommended with tmux/i3 for splits and sessions (I use Alacritty + tmux)
  • Kitty - I never used it but people say it's nice
  • Wezterm - Lua configured terminal, I don't like the design, especially the way cursor behaves in it, but it seems the community love it.


It's highly recommended to install a nerdfont to support icons in your terminal, many plugins utilize it.
I use CascadiaCode, JetBrainsMono is nice too.

Keybinds limitations

Because of ascii terminals don't support Ctrl+Shift+<X> keybindings, here's a great comment that explains why.
Some terminals allow to use a workaround, but it's not a must (I don't use Ctrl+Shift+X binds).

Options as Alt in macOS

To be able to use Alt binds in your terminal you need to configure your terminal emulator to do so.

How to Install nvim

I recommend to install the latest release, Nvim development is the nightly.
You can install nightly which is pretty stable and doesn't break often but you don't want to bother yourself with bugs as a beginner.

Preconfigured Configurations

There are several preconfigured configurations, these are the popular ones:


Personally I skipped using a preconfigured configuration, but I highly suggest to use it as a starting point. LunarVim is the easiest to start with, Installation link.

Make sure you read and edit the default configuration to your taste.
To open the configuration press Space, SHIFT+L, c.
To see the keybinds press Space, SHIFT+L, k.

How to Install Plugins

I'll recommend several plugins along the way, make sure you are not lazy to install them.

How to download a plugin

nvim plugins are git repositories, a package manager downloads and updates them, packer is the standard one and it's already installed in LunarVim.

In LunarVim's configuration you will find:

-- Additional Plugins
lvim.plugins = {
      cmd = "TroubleToggle",

lvim.plugins is passed to packer, folke/tokyonight.nvim is a short for
Which means when a plugin tell you to install it by use { 'plugin_author/plugin_name', more_options }, just copy { 'plugin_author/plugin_name', more_options }.

Note: LunarVim runs :PackerInstall for you when the config changes.

Useful Packer Commands:

  • :PackerInstall - Install new added plugins.
  • :PackerStatus - List all installed pluigns.
  • :PackerSnapshot - Take a snapshot of your current plugins versions (useful before updating).
  • :PackerUpdate - Update all plugins.
  • :PackerClean - Remove unused plugins.

How to configure a plugin

Usually a plugin will provide a setup function which configures the plugin's behavior, most plugins won't activate if the setup function isn't called.

Usually the setup function receives a table, most plugins use the override standard - the keys in the table you pass will override the default, other keys keep their default value.
The defaults are usually in the plugin README and in the :help <plugin>

Note: I recommend adding the GitHub shorthand above the setup function as a comment, you can use open.nvim to access the plugin repo quickly.

How to install vim plugin

nvim supports vim plugins, the install of them is similar to nvim but the configuration is done by vim variables rather than setup function. The documentation of the plugin usually would be written in VimScript format as so:

let g:cool_plugin_variable = 1

The equivalent of that line in Lua is:

vim.g.cool_plugin_variable = 1

You can read more about vim variables at :help internal-variables.

Programming languages support

Some languages have plugins to support them specifically, usually the plugin takes care of the LSP setup (read below), so make sure you don't setup the LSP more than once. I recommend to skip the LSP setup of the plugin and set it up yourself or with mason.


I hated using autosave in other text editors, but because vim has modes it knows exactly when a text was changed.
On InsertLeave which is triggered when you leave Insert mode, and on TextChanged which is triggered when text was changed in normal mode.

Autosave + autoformat = annoying behavior. Make sure you disable auto format, I wrote a simple plugin to format when I switch buffers.

How to disable autoformat in LunarVim:

lvim.format_on_save = false

Autosave + live config refresh = annoying behavior. Make sure you disable autosave in your config if you like live config refresh.
An example for how to do it in LunarVim:

local user_config_file = require("lvim.config"):get_user_config_path()
require("auto-save").setup {
  enabled = true,

  condition = function(buf)
    local fn = vim.fn
    local utils = require("")

    if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) == user_config_file then
      return false

    if fn.getbufvar(buf, "&modifiable") == 1 and
        utils.not_in(fn.getbufvar(buf, "&filetype"), {}) then
      return true -- met condition(s), can save
    return false -- can't save


Options control the behavior of nvim, they can be set to boolean, number or string.
To set an option type :set <option>, to see the current value of an option use :set <option>?.
boolean options are enabled by :set <option> and disabled by :set no<option>.
E.g: :set relativenumber enables relativenumber and :set norelativenumber disables it.

Every option has a help tag for it, for example :h relativenumber
The options are listed in :h option-list.

In nvim you can access the options by vim.opt

Sensible Options

local opt = vim.opt

opt.number = true -- Enables line numbers
opt.relativenumber = true -- Enables relative line numbers
opt.autoindent = true -- Indent automatically
opt.cursorline = true -- Enables cursor line
opt.ignorecase = true -- Ignore case when searching
opt.splitright = true -- Split to the right on vertical
opt.splitbelow = true -- Split below when horizontal
opt.swapfile = false -- Don't use swap files (I use auto-save.nvim instead)
opt.wrap = true -- Wrap lines
opt.updatetime = 100 -- mainly for trld.nvim which utilize CursorHold autocmd
opt.formatoptions:append('cro') -- continue comments when going down a line, hit C-u to remove the added comment prefix
opt.sessionoptions:remove('options') -- don't save keymaps and local options
opt.foldlevelstart = 99 -- no auto folding

Key mapping

Key map can be set to specific modes.
The important ones:

  • n - Normal mode
  • i - Insert mode
  • x - Visual & Select mode
  • v - Visual mode
  • :h map-commands for the full mode list

To set a keymap you should use vim.keymap.set or even better a map function with default value for opts.

local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, desc, opts)
	opts = opts or { slient = true }
	opts.desc = desc
	vim.keymap.set(mode, lhs, rhs, opts)
  • mode - mode for which the keymap is added to, can be a single mode 'n', table of modes {'n', 'x'}, or empty '' for all modes.
  • lhs - The key you need to press to activate the key map
  • rhs - Can be a lua function to call or a string to let vim "type", for example nzz executes n and then zz which are binded to next and recenter.
  • desc - Description for the keymap.
  • opts - Table of options for the keymap, read more at :h map-arguments

Note: LunarVim keymaps are set different make to sure to read this too


An autocommand is a command that is executed automatically in response to some event, such as a file being read or written or a buffer change.

For example a good autocommand to highlight the text that was yanked.

-- Highlight on yank
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('TextYankPost', {
	pattern = '*',
	callback = function() vim.highlight.on_yank({timeout=350, higroup='Visual'}) end

Plugins can add custom autocommands too!
For all the builtin autocmds see :h autocmd-list.

Read :h nvim_create_autocmd for full explanation.

Shell Setup

Don't forget to set nvim as your default terminal editor like so:

export EDITOR='nvim'

Other good tools with vim binds

  • Vimium - Vim binds for your browser.
  • btop - Resource viewer that can be configured to use vim binds.

Plugin Tools

The preconfigured configuration handles the installation of LSP and Treesitter, so you don't need to worry about handling it, but it's recommended to familiarize yourself with both of these tools to understand how other plugins utilize them.

Backend Binaries

Some plugins utilize external binaries to make nvim fast, I recommend to instal them.


The idea behind the Language Server Protocol (LSP) is to standardize the protocol for how such servers and development tools communicate. This way, a single Language Server can be re-used in multiple development tools, which in turn can support multiple languages with minimal effort.

Which means nvim/sublime/vscode get the same Intellisense.
The servers run locally on your PC and are optimized to run fast.
nvim implements the fastest lsp client.

Server list by language


Tree-sitter is a parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library. It can build a concrete syntax tree for a source file and efficiently update the syntax tree as the source file is edited. Tree-sitter aims to be:

  • General enough to parse any programming language
  • Fast enough to parse on every keystroke in a text editor
  • Robust enough to provide useful results even in the presence of syntax errors
  • Dependency-free so that the runtime library (which is written in pure C) can be embedded in any application

Basically it provides a fast unified syntax query for different languages, this allows to build plugins that utilize the unified syntax query.

E.g: nvim-treesitter-textobjects which allows to do an action on a code context such as copy the function/class/argument/loop and more, we will elaborate on that later.

Note: make sure you to install treesitter parser for your language by adding it to the ensure_installed table or run :TSUpdate {lang}.